Auburn Behavioral Health, LLC
Experience. Compassion. Dedication.
Welcome to Auburn Behavioral Health! We hope you'll find our site both welcoming and informative. Our mission is to provide needed services to people with the utmost respect, professionalism, and regard for your privacy. Regardless of where you are in your life's journey, we will meet you there, encouraging you initially and throughout treatment to be proud of your decision to seek a therapeutic partner in your path toward health, recovery and well-being.

Practice Highlights
Auburn Behavioral Health provides psychotherapy (also referred to as "counseling") for individuals, couples, families, and groups. Consultation services for businesses and organizations are also available.
Office hours are afternoons and evenings, by appointment only. To schedule an appointment or to ask for additional information about services provided see our Contact page. Email and voice mail are regularly checked, and a therapist will respond to requests for services within one business day.
If you have a life-threatening emergency call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.
National Suicide prevention lifeline number: 988

Mental Health
For information regarding mental health and substance abuse issues, the following links provide helpful information:

Chances are, if you're looking at our website, you're considering psychotherapy or know someone that may need help. How do people know when it's time to seek help? Here are some common reasons.
- Loss of interest
- Feelings of hopelessness
- Overwhelming anxiety
- Sleep disturbance
- Changes in appetite
- Unexplained fatigue
- Mental confusion
- Excessive use of alcohol or drugs
- Grief
- LGBT concerns
- Marital conflict
- Separation/Divorce
- Stress
- Major life changes
- Life transitions
Your Rights
You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity. What you talk about in therapy is deeply personal and confidential. No information about you will be disclosed to anyone without your written permission. Limitations to confidentiality include imminent danger to self or others; known or suspected abuse or neglect of children, adults with disabilities or elderly adults; in the event of a medical, behavioral or psychiatric emergency; or in the event of a Court Order.
You have a right to freedom from discrimination. Services are provided without regard to age, race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, marital status, cultural background, political ideology,or socioeconomic status.
Informed Consent
You have the right to give informed consent for treatment, including, but not limited to receipt of information about the risks and benefits of treatment, your diagnosis, goals and procedures for treatment, including actively participating in the establishment of treatment goals, the management of treatment information and the means to access that information, any limitations thereof, retention of records and their destruction, billing, fees, and non-payment procedures including collections.
HIPAA Notice of Information Practices
Federal law ensures how your protected health information (PHI) is managed, the conditions under which it may be disclosed, and how you may access this information. Any questions concerning Auburn Behavioral Health’s privacy practices should be addressed with your therapist. PHI is about you, including demographic information which may identify you and that relates to your past, present or future physical or mental health or condition and related health care services. You will be advised anytime our Notice of Information Practices is revised. Auburn Behavioral Health,LLC, hereafter referred to as “ABH” is required by law to remain compliant with this Notice of Information Practices (NIP).